This site is regularly updated, which causes Google to report the site is hacked. This is fake news, and Google bots are not intelligent--Donald Kasper 9/15/17.

White Papers (Position Papers) on Mineralogical Infrared Spectroscopy Theory
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
Does Infrared Spectroscopy Report on Mineral Crystal Structure? 
Can mineral bands be summed to explain water bands as overtones? No, water bands with no recognizable fundamental bands occur all the time. Here is a case study. 
Can the 5200 and 4500 cm-1 bands tell us about free and OH mineral water? Well, 4500 is not OH Water, it is CaOH water. 

A Model of Mineralogical Infrared Behavior and Resulting Applications for Beta-Silica Minerals, Moganite, Quartzine, Keatite, and Opal Identification
Published 2018, 108pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A scientific research paper study of the behavior of mineralogical infrared spectrocopy, covering substantial discovery by the author.
Includes a full classification of the silica minerals (eg. quartz, cristobalite, opals, etc).
Classification key and examples of alpha-moganite, beta-moganite, quartzine, and how to identify optical slow behavior in infrared.
Includes a full classification of the opals. Includes classification key to identify all beta-silica minerals (hi temp forms).
Scientific discovery such as how to identify trace minerals in matrix by their water, and how to calculate refractive index, are shown.
Read the Table of Contents of this book.
See sample page 1.
See sample page 2.

$45.00 (+$5.00 s/h for U.S.)

Semi-precious Stone Identification Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Published 2017, Completely revised 11/2022, 391pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The first full book on identifying semi-precious stones in reflectance infrared. Covers faceted stones and shaped stones for jewelry, carving stones, ornamental stones.
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Read the book introduction.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 3-4.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 5-6.
See some sample pages.

$145.00 (+$15 s/h for U.S.)

White Papers (Position Papers) on Semi-precious Stone Misidentification
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
Some key gemology semi-precious stone misidentifications circulating in June, 2017 
Lom, Norway reported pink thulite (zoisite) is epidote, quartz, and trace zoisite 
China chrysanthemum stone with muscovite and talc indicating metamorphic exposure 
Composition of snowflake obsidian is sanidine, not cristobalite 
Afghan lapis is mostly diopside, and Chilean lapis is mostly hauyne 
My Afghanistan pargasite is diopside and the tschermakite in zoisite is pargasite 
Mt. Baldy, Cascade canyon lapis analysis with infrared spectroscopy 
Is mariposite a phengite or fuchsite mica? 
Does African pietersite have riebeckite (crocidolite)? 
Is bronzite an enstatite? 
An update identifying the contents of bronzite and tiger's eye 
An infrared identification of White Buffalo (TM)--is this turquoise? 
What is Gary Green jasper made of? 
What is adularia? Isn't it just a variety of orthoclase? 
Is Jadeite, Omphacite, and Kosmochlor all jade? A GIA and GAGB Rebuttal 
What is Phoenix Stone, a mystic stone, composition? 
What is Nuummite from Greenland? Is it all orthoamphibole? 
What are precious opals and common opals made of? Did Florke and Graetsch get it right? 

White Papers (Position Papers) on Rock and Mineral Misidentification
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
What is ricolite? An infrared analysis of ricolite matrix and its white veining 
What is Australia print stone? Are they stromatolites? An infrared analysis. 
When is halite not cubic? When it is prismatic, octahedral, or combined prismatic-octahedral. 
Why does covellite have the largest refractive index range in the mineral world? Because if forms with Opal-A. 
What minerals is Kilauea eruptions Pele's hair actually made of? 
Rebuttal to the Mindat web site declaration that illite is just a variety of muscovite 
Rebuttal to the Mindat web site declaration that diatomite is opal-CT 
Rebuttal to the Wikipedia web site declaration that halite is only cubic 
Is milky quartz amorphous? No, it is actually a crystal face blend. 
Is snowflake obsidian, cristobalite as GeologyHub claims? No, it is actually a feldspar symplectite. 
Is francolite a mineral? No, from an infrared standpoint it is a paramineral. 
The author argues here that quartz, cristobalite, tridymite are SiO4, and that the opals are SiO2. 
Dutch Cleanser Mine, Red Rock Canyon, CA stated pumicite shows silica gel and K-feldspar gel. 
What Minerals are in the K-T Boundary exposure in Marmath, North Dakota? 
What are the menilite nodules of Spain and Morocco made of? Are they opal-A? 

A Southwestern Field Guide to the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals,
Volume I--The Geology of their Formation, Inclusions, and Structures
Published 2010, Last revision 2021, 452pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The author's "magnum opus" (grand work) describing models of genesis of all the agate inclusions. They are studied extensively with a full review of the chemistry of colloidal gel systems.
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Read a full description of this book.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 1.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 2.
See some sample pages, pictorial.
See some sample pages, technical.

$135.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Southwestern Field Guide to the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals,
Volume II--A Complete Classification of Species, Inclusions, and Structures
Published 2011, Last revision 2020, 306pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A classification of all agate, jasper, and opal structures and inclusions worldwide, seen with the naked eye. This also includes a full study of the geodes/thundereggs.
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Read a full description of this book.
Read the Table of Contents of this book.
Two sample pages of the lexicon.

$95.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

White Papers (Position Papers) on the Geology and Geochemistry of Agates
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
The author's master classification key for the agates, jaspers, opals, and geodes 
The author's quick overview of the data on jasper formation 
Geologic Collecting Sources of Agates in the Southwestern U.S. 
Geochemical Reactions of Agate, Jasper, Opal, and Chert Formation 
Periodic Table of the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals (Elements found in them) 
Agate, Jasper, Opal, Chert, Chalcedony, Flint Definitions 
Lake Superior skip-'n-atom agates--evidence of agate formation in oceanic spilite basalt 
How did the Mongolian Gobi agates form? An infrared analysis. 
Is agate just quartz? Well yes, except when it is neotocite. 

A Field Guide to the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals,
Volume III--A Study and Classification of Agate and Geode Microstructures
Published 2011, Last revision 2014, 202pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
An extension of the Volume II Field Guide, adding a study of inclusions with 10-40x stereo microscopy. Includes an extensive study of agate and geode inclusions and structures.
Covers geode structures from many Western locales (roughly 60% of the photography)--the first microscopy study of them ever.
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.
See some sample pages.

$80.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Field Guide to the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals,
Volume IV--A Microscopy Study of Banded Agates and their Structures
Published 2013, Last revision 2021, 258pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A comprehensive study of agate banding systems using stereomicroscopy and polarizing microscopy.
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Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 3.
See some sample pages.

$95.00 (+$15 s/h for U.S.)

A Field Guide to the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals,
Volume V--Specimen and Inclusion Identification Using Infrared Spectroscopy
Published 2013, Last revision 2018, 322pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A study of major jaspers, agates, and opals of the world, with a photo of each one scanned in infrared, its graph, and analysis.
Has study of important stuctures and inclusions, and the clays commonly formed in agates. Specimens from major Western U.S. locales are identified.
Provides user the training to identify calcite commonly sold as agate, and lava rocks commonly sold as jasper. Identifies many current jasper and agate forgeries.
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Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 3-4.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 5.
        See some sample pages.

$125.00 (+$12.50 s/h for U.S.)

The Formation of Thundereggs (Lithophysae)
Published 2010, Last revision 2021, 272pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Robert Colburn
A formidable classic that for the first time took the study of geodes and thundereggs out of the stone age.
This work is a summary of the findings based on 50 years of Colburn's mining and study of these structures.
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$125.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

Geodes and Thundereggs in Rhyolite
Published 2010, Last revision 2021, 413pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Dr. Peter Woerner
The English translation and revision of the German version titled "Achate in Rhyolithkugeln"
The most comprehensive study and classification of geodes and thundereggs ever written.
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Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 3-4.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 5.
See some sample pages.

$165.00 (+$15 s/h for U.S.)

A Geologic and Inclusion Study of the Lake Superior Agates
Published 2011, Last revision 2017, 205pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A major work by the author describing this regions' identified agate inclusions and their proposed geochemistry of formation.
Also includes additional study of the clays in the agates.
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Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, page 3.
See some sample pages.

$75.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Geologic and Inclusion Study of the Northern Mexico Agates
Published 2012, Last revision 2019, 190pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A review of agate genesis modelled by the author, a description of this regions' identified agate inclusions, and the regions' geology.
Also includes studies of Southern New Mexico and West Texas sites.
Also includes additional study of the clays in the agates, and a model of basalt-rhyolite formation found in the region.
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$70.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Re-investigation of the Metamorphic Agates and Geodes of the Upper Ploczek, Poland
Published 2011, Last revision 2016, 120pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The author reviews the Ploczek photo archive, detailing the sericite and chlorite metamorphism captured in these agates.
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Read an introduction of this book.
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$50.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Geologic and Inclusion Study of the Fairburn and Dryhead Agates, Jaspers, and Cherts
Published 2012, Last revision 2020, 115pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The author reviews the geologic sources of the Fairburn and Dryhead agates, and documents their marine structures as chert-agate nodules.
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See some sample pages.

$50.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Geologic and Inclusion Study of the Keokuk, Iowa, Missouri, and Kentucky Sedimentary Geodes
Published 2012, Last revision 2017, 121pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The author reviews the geologic sources of the Iowa and Kentucky sedimentary nodules and geodes, and documents their marine structures.
Read the table of contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the table of contents of this book, page 3.
See some sample pages.

$45.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Geologic and Inclusion Study of the Agates of Coastal California
Published 2014, Last revision 2017, 154pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
The author reviews the geologic provinces of Coastal and Northern California and their agate occurrences
particularly on the San Andreas, Pope Valley, and Santa Monica faults.
Includes study of Jurassic age Sierra Nevada Mtns front range poppy jaspers.
Read the table of contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the table of contents of this book, page 3.
See some sample pages.

$65.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

A Study ofthe Searles Lake Minerals and their Identification with Infrared Spectroscopy
Published 2019, Last revision 2020, 62pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
An Infrared Spectroscopy Study to Identify the Searles Lake Minerals.
Helps train the collector to hand identify specimens based on detailed infrared references.
Identification of minerals collectable at Searles Lake brines and muds including identification of previously unknown minerals.
Includes study of the lake clay minerals. Yes, the green in hanksite is from celadonite.
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See some sample page 1.
See some sample page 2.

$40.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

A Student’s Guide to Identifying Petrified Wood and Related Fossil Structures in Silica—their Compositions and Formation
Published 2018, Last revision 2021, 47pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, condensed 2-column format, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
An overview of how to identify petrified wood from other rocks, as well as
similar appearing silica fossils including coral, cyanobacteria, and radiolarians.
Includes infrared study of the compositions of wood types, and models of their preservation with silica.
The text does not cover identifying wood genus and species.
Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$25.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

A Student’s Guide to Identifying Mesozoic to Recent North America Petrified Wood Family, Genus
Published 2021, updated 2022, 257pp, over 250 literature references, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
A study of how to identify the 100 most common fossil woods of North America dating from Mesozoic to recent.
Includes over 100 literature -oxylon fossil wood synonyms for these genera.
Includes late Cretaceous conifer Arizona woods. Walks the reader through basic wood cell structures and how to recognize them.
Studies the woods in cross-section (transverse cut) study at up to 40x magnification.
Identifies woods to botonical classification hierarchy of family and genus. Note that fossil woods cannot be identified to species, and that
"species" names are made up names of the places the wood was found, what else it looks like, but is rarely a true plant species name attempt.
Here is the book purpose statement.
Here is an overview of this book.
        Read the Table of Contents of this book Pages 1-2.
        Read the Table of Contents of this book Pages 3-4.
        Read the Table of Contents of this book Pages 5-6.

$85.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)
White Papers (Position Papers) on Petrified Wood Identification
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
Is it possible to write a classification key to identify the North American petrified woods? Is Arizona picture wood Araucarioxylon? 
How well does the Linnaean botanical classfiication work? Can we graft apple cuttings onto pear root stock, as they are different species?  

An Introduction to the Classification, Composition, and Genesis of the Jaspers
Published 2017, Last revision 2021, 74pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
An overview and classification of the volcanic, sedimentary, and metamorphic jaspers.
Along with infrared spectroscopy identification of these jaspers and other rocks claimed to be jaspers.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 1-2.
Read the Table of Contents of this book, pages 3-4.

$30.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

A Student's Guide to the Genesis of the Agates, Jaspers, and Opals
Published 2011, Last revision 2017, 47pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$15.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

A Student's Guide to the Genesis of the Lithophysae--Geodes and Amygdules
Published 2012, Last revision 2017, 39pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$15.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

A Student Study Guide on Agate and Geode Formation
A more detailed overview of the historical literature, geology, and formation of agates and geodes/thundereggs.
Describes historical errors made in discerning their conditions of formation, and provides a comprehensive, corrected model of formation.
Published 2014, Last revision 2018, 65pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$25.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

The Metaphysical and Shaman Stones--An Introduction to their Logical Attribution of Properties
A study of Western cultural attribution to metaphysical stones using a top-down successively refined classification.
Stone composition leading to attribution of properties is not based on guessing or layman literature, but infrared spectroscopy study of the author.
Book covers several major rock and mineral groups with a number of common, popular examples within each.
Published 2019, 92pp, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Donald Kasper
Read the Table of Contents of this book.
Read the Description of this book.
See some sample pages.

$35.00 (+$5 s/h for U.S.)

True Adventures of the Geode Kid--Part I
Published 2011, Last revision 2018, 204pp, 22 adventures, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Robert Colburn
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See some of the image sample pages.

$40.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

True Adventures of the Geode Kid--Part II
Published 2011, Last revision 2020, 192pp, 14 adventures, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Robert Colburn
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$40.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

True Adventures of the Geode Kid--Part III
Published 2011, Last revision 2018, 222pp, 11 adventures, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Robert Colburn
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$40.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

True Adventures of the Geode Kid--Part IV
Published 2011, Last revision 2018, 194pp, 14 adventures, 8.5 x 11, plastic comb bound, full color laser printed - by Robert Colburn
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Read the Table of Contents of this book.

$40.00 (+$10 s/h for U.S.)

Rebuttal White Papers (Position Papers) on the Geology and Geochemistry of Agates
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
A review of the copper included agate study of an site in Russia by Palyanova in MDPI Minerals (2020) 
A review of the black agate study of an site in Russia by Svetova in MDPI Minerals (2021) 
A review of the agate study of an site in Morocco by Prsek in MDPI Minerals (2020) 
A review of the agate study of an site in China by Zhang in MDPI Minerals (2020) 
A review of the agate study of a former oceanic site in Russia by Svetova and Svetov in MDPI Minerals (2020) 
A review of the agate study of a site in NE Cuba by Goetze MDPI Minerals (2021) 
A review of the agate genesis paper by Moxon and Palyanova in MDPI Minerals (2020) 
A review of the agate genesis paper by Goetze, Moekel, and Pan in MDPI Minerals (2020) 

A rebuttal to the model of thunderegg formation described by Dan Hurd 
A rebuttal to the mineral inclusions list of Dr. Jenz Goetz, Agates III 
A rebuttal to the GIA paper on Moroccan agate analysis and their formation, and a rebuttal to Dr. Heaney on moganite 
A rebuttal to the proposal of bacteria fossils in geodes by Dr. Jenz Goetz, Agates III 
An overview of the most aggregious myths promoted in popular and scientific literature on agate formation 
A rebuttal of Dr. Peter Heaney's interview "How Do Agates Form?" 
A rebuttal of Dr. Marco Campos-Venuti paper on how agates form 
Occam's Razor versus Kasper's Razor 

Rebuttal White Papers (Position Papers) regarding
Free from Kasper Jasper Press
Mindat web site agate discussion and responses from Donald Kasper, Blog of February, 2017 
Mindat web site agate discussion and responses from Donald Kasper, 3 Blogs of August, 2017 
Mindat web site agate discussion and responses from Donald Kasper, 4th Blog of August, 2017 
Mindat web site kambaba/kabamba composition discussion and responses from Donald Kasper, 5th Blog of September 2017 
Mindat web site Lake Superior agate source questions and responses from Donald Kasper, 6th Blog of September 2017 

Russians makes banded agate in supercritical fluid, part I 
Russians makes banded agate in supercritical fluid, part II 
Americans make banded agate in supercritical fluid at 400 C then deny supercritical fluid is the key