of the Metamorphic Agates
the Upper Płóczek, Poland
Donald Kasper
· Shows that the amygdules of Ploczek are formed with substantial chlorite chemistry, an indicator of their metamorphic exposure.
· Challenges the view that the prasiolite of Poland is green quartz, and is more likely due to beta-quartz.
· Adds interpretations of many of the specimens lacking in the original text “Agates of the Upper Ploczek, Poland”.
· A number of zoomed in photos of structures not discussed in the original text, are provided and described.
· Shows that some of the amygdules of Ploczek are affected by sericitization, the decomposition of feldspar to make illite clay.
Halloysite (clay) tubes in a
sea of agate. Iron adsorption to the
clay makes the tubes pink.
From Kaczawskie Mtn.,
Ploczek, Poland. Photo by Lech Darski.